Big Night in June for Saggahew

Normally, the third Monday in June is a quick and easy meeting for Saggahew Lodge. We normally wrap up the final business of the Masonic year by electing the next year’s slate of officers and voting to pay the bills while we go dark for July and August. This year, as we find ourselves beginning to return to something resembling “normal,” June looked a little different.

Four Brothers, who patiently waited to advance through their degrees while we all navigated a pandemic, finally completed their Master Mason degree. Two more Brothers, (now officers) received their Rookie Awards, albeit later than they normally would due to the pandemic. But perhaps the one event so many of us feel grateful for is that we were able to share our first meal together in over 15 months. What a treat! Steak tips and grilled chicken, with potato and macaroni salads and a garden salad for good measure. All prepared by Bro. Peter Carbone from Haverhill Beef Co..

Finally, Congratulations to our new slate of officers who will be installed in September and will be led by Bro. Dan Guarino, now Master Elect of Saggahew Lodge.

It has been challenging year and a half, but Freemasonry, still survives. And in fact, it thrives here in Haverhill.

Saggahew Lodge has four new Master Masons (Pictured with solid white aprons left to right) Bro. Jason Burns, Bro. Paul Bruk III, Bro. William Morse, and Bro. Ricky Bates. Also pictured are (far left) Bro. Daniel Burns, uncle to Bro. Jason Burns; (center) R.W. John Bell, District Deputy Grand Master; (2nd from right) Bro. Philip Ragucci, Bro. Bates’ father-in-law; and (far right) Wor. Scott Reid, Worshipful Master of Saggahew Lodge.
Rookie Award Recipients – Bro. Daniel Burns and Bro. Christian Currier. Also pictured, (left) Wor. Scott Reid, Worshipful Master; (center) R.W. John Bell, District Deputy Grand Master; and (right) Wor. Nick Brown (Master 2019-2020)