On Saturday, October 24 at 6pm, a small group of Masons and the immediate family of outgoing Master, Wor. Nicholas Brown celebrated the time honored tradition of the change in Lodge leadership known as the Installation of officers. Normally, this event would be attended by up to 100 people and be followed by a large meal. But, but during the pandemic, it was open to only the officers being installed and those brothers who constituted the installing suite. Others could watch the proceedings on Zoom, a platform so many of us have embraced in these unusual times.
While Worshipful Nick Brown completed his very challenging year as Master of the Lodge, he will remain on as Marshal for incoming Master Wor. Scott Reid. Reid said in his remarks, that because Brown had been deprived of the opportunity to do much of the enjoyable work of the master, working the degrees, that Brown would be able to continue the degrees on the newest members who had joined Saggahew Lodge before the Coronavirus pandemic shut us down in March.
The officers for 2020-2021 are: Wor. Scott Reid, Master; Bro. Dan Guarino, Sr. Warden; Bro. Keith Kreyling, Jr. Warden; Wor. Dave Potter, Treasurer; Wor. Winston Wong, Asst. Treasurer; Wor. Jason Bulman, Secretary; Wor. Frank Parker, Asst. Secretary; Dan Verrington, Chaplain; Wor. Nick Brown, Marshal; Bro. Dan Burns, Sr. Deacon; Bro. Christian Currier, Jr. Deacon; Bro. Nehemias Castillo, Sr. Steward; Bro. Eric Darby, Jr. Steward; and Bro John Berrini, Inside Sentinel.